Thank you to everyone who made it out to the Children and the Earth, Inc.Trunk-Or-Treat on the 25th! And thank you to those who could not make it who allowed me to bring their clothing donations to the event on their behalf. The event brought in quite a bit of items which was awesome to see!
Unfortunately i did not get a chance to take many pictures(others did and you should definitely check out their posts on the page), but i did get to do at least one lap around and was very impressed with all the different decorations everyone had. It was cool to see what people came up with in the space limitations of a vehicle and parking spot.
Many offroaders took home awards that were chosen by the children at the event, and after very intense deliberations by our judges, Amber N Chad Goodwin were chosen for our best of show award!
I want to thank our judges this year, Mark Williams, Tom Carlson, Josh Norris, Alyssa Hill, and Lynette Richardson. Its great to have these volunteers each year willing to spend time reviewing each vehicle. Thank you!
Speaking of volunteers, i need to thank Jenny Turner and Bryon Densley for helping my wife and I out with our balloon inflation and ribbon tying. I severely underestimated how many kids would want balloons, and it was a blessing having them come over to my aid.
Again thank you everyone for coming out. This truly makes a world of difference for these children, and it definitely one of our favorite events of the year to support.
Til' Next Time!